What is the WRX?
2019 marks an exciting time for me and this company. I've enjoyed a fair amount of success over the last 11 years in the petroleum field. During that time, I developed integrated systems, card network platforms, as well as programmed applications that increased communication and collaboration.
I worked my way from contractor to IT Director. In the last few years I was at the forefront of a new fueling network, which provided a variety of challenges and roles that reminded me what motivated me the most. As my role within the company evolved, I realized I was ready for a new challenge.
What I enjoyed most about the last few years was the diversity of responsibilities. While I was building a sophisticated network and portal application, I was designing and programming, building servers, Windows applications, etc. It was the type of work I was doing regularly when I ran my own company.
I have owned a few companies over the last 25 years with a fair amount of success. I have been building websites since 1994 with an emphasis on database driven applications. I've also been involved with all aspects of IT from hardware and software to security.
As I considered going off on my own, I knew I would still be involved with the commercial fueling industry. I have a lot invested in time and energy in the industry and am still excited about the changes that are taking place. With industry experience and knowledge to draw from, the WRX has a lot to offer jobbers and commercial fuel marketers.
I encourage companies to reach out to inquire on ways to improve their business and processes.